“Lord, teach us to pray,”  Luke 11:1.

To pray properly is not any easy matter.  To pour out your heart and soul before God, to believe he hears and will come to help you; to pray in faith and to wrestle with him; to strive for a blessing and hope against hope; being delayed, yet waiting for him until he...

Revelation 5:8-9

Revelation chapter 5 is a vision of the exaltation and coronation of the Lord Jesus Christ after his victory over the world and the devil by his death. Jesus as the Lamb takes the scroll from the right hand of God (verse 7), indicating that he has received all power...

Revelation 5: 5-6

At the end of Revelation, when the redeemed of God are all secure in heaven, God will wipe away all the tears of his people. It’s a great promise, and it reminds Christians that while weeping may endure for the night, joy comes in the morning. Whatever pains and...

Revelation 5:1-4

Revelation 5 continues the apostle John’ s vision of heaven in the presence of God in the holy of holies. In chapter 4, the scene is the glorious angels around the throne, worshipping and praising God. They sing, “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and...

Revelation 4:6-11

In the second half of Revelation chapter 4, we are shown the praise and worship of God from angelic orders in heaven. In verse 6 we read, “And around the throne on each side of the throne are four living creatures, full of eyes in the front and behind, the first...